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PODCAST #4: Moving to an online world of innovation training

Lucija Barisic

Podcasts are a bit like London buses. You wait a long time and then three come along all at once! This week we feature more in the series around the challenges to education and training in innovation , creativity and entrepreneurship - the main theme of the VISION project.

We’ve already seen that there are likely to be significant shifts across the landscape in terms of technology, expectations, curriculum, evaluation and overall student experience. But how will this play out in the lives of key actors in the process?

This is the first of three interviews conducted by Olga Kokshagina, one of the researchers on the VISION project and co-author of the open access book on the project. In it she speaks with Gijs van Wulfen, a well-known speaker, writer and trainer in the field about some of the dramatic changes affecting his world in trying to equip people with the skills for handling innovation and entrepreneurship. Significantly his whole business model was massively disrupted by the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic which has meant he has had to rapidly reshape his work to suit a world in which almost all training now takes place online and remotely. (He’s tried to capture this experience in an excellent new book which explores the ways in which organizations can rethink their innovation processes for an online world).

Listen to the podcast here.

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© 2019-2020 by VISION Project. 


Project Number: 612537-EPP-1-2019-1-SI-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2020 - December 2021

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